Cartoon: New Revenue Source for Bangalore Traffic Police

Cartoon: Slaves to Measurement

According to sources not willing to be identified, Bangalore traffic police is toying with the idea of imposing ‘invalid parking’ fine on all vehicles that are halted in traffic jams. The consulting firm that suggested this initiative projected that the annual collections will shoot up between 10.3 – 12.4 times their current collections.

It may also motivate the drivers who get stuck in jams to find innovative solutions to avoid traffic snarls.

Pilot / trial implementation may have already started.

This idea surely beats the Delhi ‘odd-even’ solution to manage traffic.:-)

Bangalore Traffic is also planning to use this initiative to apply for the ‘Most Jugaadu Innovation of the year’ award instituted by Daily Jugaad.

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Author: Rajesh Naik

I'm Rajesh Naik, and this is my personal website If you are interested in contacting me, I am also available on LinkedIn and I will be glad to accept your invite.

2 thoughts on “Cartoon: New Revenue Source for Bangalore Traffic Police”

  1. This should rank among the most sadistic of citizen (un)welfare measures.

    Here are some thoughts on jugaadu revenue boosting schemes for other agencies:

    a. Bescom: Revenue share arrangements with citizens for reduction in electricity bills due to power cuts.
    b. BWSSB: same as above, for reduction in water bills due to non supply of water.
    c. Airport authority : Loaded Seat rent cost per minute, for passengers warming seats in airport on account of flight delays. Double the rentals for passengers checking out of hotels early and ending up utilizing airport seats, toilets and air conditioned comfort.
    d. Telecom service (?)providers: share of reduction in mobile bills due to strategic call drops esp. in the middle of a potentially long conversation with inflationary billing risks.
    e. BBMP: collection of luxury tax from residents who constructed and stayed in homes on the water canals and drains (rajakaluve) of Bengaluru and enjoyed the view.
    f. Our MLAs/MP s: Collection of fee from citizens in respective constituencies for “representing their voices” in assemblies and engaging their valuable time in “social service”; additional allowance for laundry and maintenance of “white linen” worn.
    g. Bladder Relief tax: for men relieving themselves in alleys, footpaths, highways, and anything that resembles a wall. Collection agencies to be selected via a tender process.
    h. Corporates: Occupancy charge from employees who squat in office over time to enjoy the air conditioning during peak summers.
    i. Corporates again: social media and productivity recovery tax for allowing employees to use most of their work time chatting up on facebook and whatsapp. This will be a direct boost to the top line. And negate revenue loss due to the boring thing called productivity.


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